Sodankylä National Satellite Data Centre focuses on fast delivery remote sensing product generation for scientific and commercial uses. The data center's high performance computer arrays are capable of processing vast amounts of satellite data to value adding products to various users. The products can be delivered directly to customer or to large data archives for bulk use. Satellite data and products are transferred to users with no delays using high speed optical fiber.
Two highly versatile 7.3 meter antennae provide multi-mission support and are used to downlink data from various spacecraft like COSMO-SkyMed, Sentinel-1 and Suomi-NPP satellites. The flexibility of ground station system allows easy scheduling of new satellite missions to the operations schedule.
As a Copernicus Sentinel Collaborative Ground Station, the NSDC serves national and international partners with Copernicus Sentinel data, by hosting long-term archive of Sentinels' data from northern hemisphere. This archive enables scientific and commercial users as well as private citizens to pursue their goals.