Advanced SearchFinnish Data Hub System

The advanced search panel is shown when clicking on "advanced search".
It consists of six search fields. Each search field allows to perform specific queries on the associated parameter. Each search field can be used singularly or in combination with: the others search fields, the full-text search bar and the geographic map tool.

Search Field Name Usage
Sensing Period

This search field is composed of two date entries.
Dates have to be inserted for both entries. "Pick up date" calendars allow date selection.
The query returns all the products whose sensing dates and times are included in the defined period.
In particular it returns all the products that respond to both of the following criteria:

  • Sensing start time equal or greater then 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss) of the first selected date
  • Sensing stop time equal or less then 23:59:59 (hh:mm:ss) of the second selected date

The Sensing Time corresponds to the time of the satellite on-board acquisition and it is stamped for
each line of the acquired image scene.
The sensing start and stop times of a product correspond to the time of the satellite on-board acquisition of respectively the first and last line of the image in the product.

Click on "Clear date" for removing the search entry. Click on "Today" for selecting current date.

Ingestion Period This search field is composed of two date entries as for "Sensing Period".

The query returns all the products whose publication dates and times on the Data Hub are included
in the defined period.
In particular it returns all the products that respond to both of the following criteria:

  • Publication time equal or greater then 00:00:00 (hh:mm:ss) of the first selected date
  • Publication time equal or less then 23:59:59 (hh:mm:ss) of the second selected date
Please note that the ingestion date does not correpond to the generation date of the product processed at the ground segment. The ingestion date is the date of publication of the product on the Data Hub rolling archive.
Mission Sentinel-1
Satellite Platform Search based on the Satellite Platform name regardless of the serial identifier. Accepted entries are:
  • S1A*
  • S1B*
Product Type Accepted entires are:

  • SLC
  • GRD
  • OCN

Accepted entries are:


Sensor Mode Accepted entries are:
Relative Orbit Number Accepted entries are: from 1 to 175
Collection This field allows searches based on the collections that are available.
Mission Sentinel-2
Cloud Cover % It is the percentage of cloud coverage of the product for each area covered by a reference band.Accepted entries are: from [0 TO 100]
Example:[0 TO 5]
Mission Sentinel-3
Collection This field allows searches based on the collections that are available.

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