Primary use: Land/Cloud/Aerosol boundaries

Primary use: Land/Cloud/Aerosol properties

Primary use: Cirrus clouds

Primary use: Water vapor

Primary use: Surface/Cloud temperature

Primary use: True color quick look image

Primary use: Ready level 2 data product which informs wheter there is clouds or not. Needed for allmost every other data product.

Primary use: Ready level 2 data product. Tells the phase of cloud.

Primary use: Ready level 2 data product. Tells the pressure of cloud top. Important for aviation.

Primary use: Ready level 2 data product. Tells the temperatures of water areas

Primary use: Ready level 2 data product. Tells the total amount of precipitable water vapor in column between the surface and satellite.

Primary use: Ready level 2 data product. Tells the optical depth due to extinction by the aerosol component of the atmosphere.

Primary use: RGB false color image. Using different channels and channel differences it is possible to monitor possible ash contents in the atmosphere.
Product name: MODIS data
Access to data and contact informaton:
Head of the operations: Timo Ryyppö
Main operator: Timo Pirttijärvi
E-mail: firstname.lastname(at)fmi.fi
Previous images can be found from archive.
MODIS is a spectroradiometer operating in 36 spectral channels ranging in wavelength from 0.4 µm to 14.4 µm.
In Sodankylä MODIS data is processed from raw data to level 1 and 2 products and used inside the FMI and delivered to several customers.
It is possible to customise a personal prosessing chain for each customer with specific data and products.