OMI (Ozone Monitoring Instrument)
The OMI instrument, onboard EOS-Aura satellite, is a nadir viewing imaging spectrograph that measures the solar radiation backscattered
by the Earth's atmosphere and surface over the entire wavelength range from 270 to 500 nm with a spectral resolution of about 0.5 nm.
The 114° viewing angle of the telescope corresponds to a 2600 km wide swath on the surface, which enables measurements with a daily global coverage.
In the normal global operation mode, the OMI pixel size is 13 km × 24 km at nadir (along x across track).
In the zoom mode the spatial resolution can be reduced to 13 km × 12 km.
The small pixel size enables OMI to look in between the clouds, which is very important for retrieving tropospheric information.
The heritage of OMI are the European ESA instruments GOME and SCIAMACHY. (
OMPS (Ozone Mapping Profiler Suite)
OMPS, an instrument onboard Suomi-NPP satellite, is an advanced suite of two hyper spectral instruments,
extends the 25-plus year total-ozone and ozone-profile records.
These records are used by ozone-assessment researchers and policy makers to track the health of the ozone layer.
The improved vertical resolution of OMPS data products allows for better testing and monitoring of the complex
hemistry involved in ozone destruction near the troposphere. OMPS products, when combined with cloud predictions,
also help produce better ultraviolet index forecasts. (
SAMPO service (Satellite Measurements from Polar Orbit)
The SAMPO service provides direct readout satellite data of the Northern Hemisphere atmosphere.
The measurements are from the OMI and OMPS instruments, published about 15 min after overpasses of the EOS-Aura and Suomi-NPP satellites.
The OMI data are received at Sodankylä, Finland, and the OMPS data at Sodankylä and Fairbanks, Alaska.
The OMPS data from Fairbanks station is available from on November 2015
The products include: O3, SO2, clouds, UV index, UV daily dose and aerosols. The data is available as daily composites as well as individual orbits.
To access OMI and OMPS data:

Today's OMI O3

Today's OMPS O3