Standardized Snow Pack Index (SSPI) for 10 days

Product name: Standardized Snow Pack Index (SSPI) for 10 days

Date of the image: 23 Mar 2021

Access to data and contact information:

Principal Investigator Jouni Pulliainen, firstname.lastname(at)
Project Manager Kari Luojus, firstname.lastname(at)


The SSPI is computed the same way as the SPI (Standardized Precipitation Index), except for being based on the daily snowpack water equivalent (=kg/m2 of snow) time series. The SSPI provides information of the relative volume of the snowpack in the catchment on a ten - daily and monthly basis compared to the period of reference. The indicator can be used for awareness raising, evaluation of occurred droughts, forecasting future drought risks and management purposes.
European Space Agency's (ESA) GlobSnow project led by the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI)has developed and provides snowpack water equivalent (SWE) values for the whole Northern Hemisphere. The SWE data is based on passive microwave radiometer data combined with ground - based synoptic snow observations. The SSPI is calculated based on SWE values by the FMI for the whole EU.