Sentinel Collaborative Ground Station

The National Satellite Data Centre operated by Finnish Meteorological Institute's Arctic Space Centre, hosts Copernicus Sentinel Collaborative Ground Station in Sodankylä in Finnish Lapland, some 100 km north from Arctic Circle. The NSDC serves Finnish and international partners and Sentinel data users with Copernicus Sentinels' data.
- Local data acquisition and (quasi-) real-time production. The National Satellite Data Centre, located north of the Arctic Circle in Sodankylä (67°22 N, 26°39 E) lies in an excellent location for downlinking pass-through data Sentinel-1. The highly automated SAR processing chains provide quasi-real-time SAR data to support winter navigation and icebreaker operations in the Baltic Sea.
- Complementary products and algorithms definitions. In NSDC, FMI and its patners are generating satelite data products from Sentinels' data to study the fragile Arctic region and the impact of climate change to it. These complementary products take into account the specific properties of Arctic location and environment.
- The NSDC mirrors the Sentinel data to national and international Sentinel data users. The FinHub-platform ( is used to disseminate. The platform allows easy migration of Science Hub-users to use data from FinHub. The long-term archive will support the scientific users by providing fast and reliable access to time series of Sentinels' data acquired from Northern Europe and Baltic Sea drainage basin. This archive enables scientific and commercial users as well as private citizens to pursue their goals (cloud services for Earth Observation data analysis and product development).
- Hosted processing services. The NDCS computer arrays include cluster processing systems and highly versatile virtual machine environment. This processing capacity is available to partners working with Satellite data. In addition to virtual environment, the NSDC has HPC grade processing clusters for massive data processing applications.